Prime Video has released an official teaser for its upcoming adult-animated anthology series, “Secret Level.” Set to premiere on December 10, the show will transport viewers to the captivating worlds of popular video games, celebrating the rich narratives that have enamored gamers for decades.
A Diverse Lineup of Video Game Universes
“Secret Level” boasts 15 episodes, each featuring original stories set within beloved gaming franchises. From classics like PAC-MAN and Mega Man to contemporary hits like Sifu and The Outer Worlds, the series promises a diverse and immersive exploration of gaming culture.
A Collaboration with LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS Creators
The creative minds behind the critically acclaimed series LOVE, DEATH + ROBOTS have joined forces to bring “Secret Level” to life. This collaboration guarantees a visually stunning and emotionally engaging anthology that both gamers and animation enthusiasts will appreciate.
Celebrating Games and Gamers
“Secret Level” serves as a heartfelt tribute to the video games that have inspired and entertained generations of players. By weaving original stories into these familiar worlds, the series showcases the power of games to ignite our imaginations and forge deep connections among fans.
As the December 10 premiere approaches, fans can stay updated on “Secret Level” and Prime Video’s other offerings by visiting Prime Video’s official website, following Prime Video on Twitter, and exploring the IMDb page for Secret Level.